
时间:2024-06-13 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械


Here are some possible solutions:


Cleaning the nozzle: Turn off the butyl coating machine, remove the leaking nozzle for cleaning, use clean water or other cleaning agents to thoroughly remove the glue inside the nozzle, and then reinstall it.


Replacing the nozzle: If the leakage problem still cannot be solved after cleaning the nozzle, it may be necessary to replace the nozzle. Usually, the nozzle of the butyl coating machine needs to be replaced regularly to ensure the coating effect and production quality.


Adjusting the adhesive pressure: If the adhesive leakage still exists, it may be necessary to adjust the adhesive pressure. Usually, excessive or insufficient adhesive pressure can lead to adhesive leakage, and adjustments need to be made according to specific circumstances.


Check the rubber hose: If none of the above methods can solve the problem of adhesive leakage, it may be necessary to check whether there is a problem with the rubber hose of the butyl coating machine. If the rubber hose ages or is damaged, it may also cause glue leakage.


It should be noted that the butyl coating machine is a relatively professional equipment. If you do not have the relevant technology and experience, it is not recommended to repair and adjust it on your own to avoid causing more serious damage. It is recommended to seek professional maintenance personnel for repair and adjustment.


The leakage of the butyl coating machine nozzle is generally caused by the following reasons:

1. 胶嘴密封不严,可以拆卸胶嘴并用螺丝刀调整胶嘴密封垫头的位置。

1. If the sealing of the nozzle is not tight, the nozzle can be disassembled and the position of the gasket head can be adjusted using a screwdriver.

2. 胶嘴磨损或老化,可以更换胶嘴或者尝试在胶嘴外涂上胶水。

2. If the nozzle is worn or aged, it can be replaced or try applying glue outside the nozzle.


3. 胶水黏度过低或者过高,可以根据胶水的情况调整胶水黏度或更换胶水。

3. If the viscosity of the adhesive is too low or too high, it can be adjusted or replaced according to the situation of the adhesive.


Handling method:

1. 停机,关闭气源。

1. First, shut down the machine and turn off the air source.

2. 拆卸胶嘴并观察密封垫头的位置,确认是否需要调整,有耐腐蚀性且柔韧性好的密封垫头更换胶嘴。

2. Disassemble the nozzle and observe the position of the sealing gasket head to confirm whether adjustment is necessary. Replace the nozzle with a corrosion-resistant and flexible sealing gasket head.

3. 检查胶嘴是否磨损或老化,如有,更换胶嘴或在胶嘴外侧涂上胶水。

3. Check if the nozzle is worn or aged. If so, replace the nozzle or apply glue on the outside of the nozzle.

4. 检查胶水的黏度是否适合,如有需要,调整胶水的黏度。

4. Check if the viscosity of the glue is suitable, and if necessary, adjust the viscosity of the glue.

5. 确认调试和更换后胶嘴不再漏胶,启动机器,并进行进一步的检测和调整。

5. Confirm that the glue nozzle no longer leaks after debugging and replacement, start the machine, and perform further testing and adjustment.


It should be noted that when operating the butyl coating machine, it is necessary to ensure a dry environment, high-quality glue, and regular maintenance of the machine to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the consistency of the bonding effect.


Specific operation: Turn off pump B, turn on the B glue return switch, and then turn on the glue gun until the tape turns white.


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