
时间:2018-05-28 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械


  For small hollow glass two component glue machine, many netizens and customers have many questions. Xiaobian focuses on sorting out some common problems.


  The small insulating glass double component glue machine is a kind of specialized equipment specially designed for small glass enterprises. It can finish the last step of the hollow glass processing quickly, clean and effective.



  Automatic glue machine because of its high automation, so the maintenance and maintenance of the equipment need a certain professional knowledge of the special people to operate, semi automatic double component glue machine has no such trouble. Semi-automatic glue machine because of its degree of automation is not so high, so maintenance and maintenance only need to carry out simple training, completely do not have to hire a special person to maintain repair.


  The volume of the semi-automatic double component glue machine is much smaller than that of the automatic glue machine. The general enterprise does not need to find special storage and use position for him. The semi automatic glue machine only covers less than 10 square meters. This is much more flexible and convenient than the automatic glue machine that will be about 100 square meters at any time.


  The highlights of this article are from two groups of glue dispenser. Please click on our official website: http://www.jncsjx.com thank you for coming.

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