
时间:2018-10-08 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

Causes and treatment of fog in double deck insulating glass
Window is a very important part of decoration and study, not only can play a role in wind and rain protection, but also play a sound insulation and insulation of the house. Therefore, in the decoration of windows, more and more people will use double-layer hollow glass windows, but double-layer glass window fog how to do?
Treatment of fog in insulating glass
1. If the sealing glue is not tightly sealed, the sealing glue on the hollow glass can be removed with something, and the glass window can be cleaned from the head, and then the glass sealant brushing process can be carried out after it is dry.
2. If the flume position of the double-layer hollow glass window is not well installed, the hollow glass window should be removed and installed from scratch.
3. if double insulating glass septum is installed, glass gaskets can be added to double glazing. In addition, it can also be removed from the original separator, separator from the scratch device, pay attention to the location of the separator to maintain a certain distance with the edge of the glass window, generally 2 mm is the most appropriate. And when installing glass windows, be careful not to put water on the septum, so as to avoid affecting the quality of the device. If the temperature difference is too large and caused fog phenomenon, you can open the window for a while, so that the room surface temperature difference between the distance becomes smaller, until the fog dispersed to stop.


Causes of fog in insulating glass
1. The construction technology of the hollow glass window is unsafe when it is installed. At certain time of operation, the sealant cracks, causing water vapor to enter the interlayer of the hollow glass. With the increase of temperature, the vapor evaporates, becomes small droplets when touching the glass surface, and then causes the fog of the double-layer glass. Phenomenon.
2. When the double-layer hollow glass is installed, because the inner flume is not installed properly, the water surface of the double-layer hollow glass is higher than the profile, and then the water flows into the double-layer glass sandwich. Under the sunlight, steam forms fog and then forms fog in double glazing.
3. Hollow glass in the device, if the partition in the paste, and the glass edge does not leave a certain gap, it is in the rain touch, the rain will be adsorbed to the double-layer glass, and then lead to double-layer glass fog phenomenon. If the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, and the indoor air humidity is too high, it will occur double-glazing fogging phenomenon.
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