
时间:2018-10-25 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

Analysis and measures of some defects of double glazing machine for insulating glass
During the operation of the two-component glue beater in the hollow glass equipment, there may be some defects due to improper use or other reasons. So when the equipment is defective, do we need to analyze the causes of the defects and adopt corresponding methods? The following is a brief introduction to some problems and solutions of the two components.
1. the proportion of A.B component of two component glue machine is not right.
The reasons for this situation are the following:
The share pump is blocked. B pump empty. A pump or B pump has internal leakage. A gum or B gum bucket is not available. Air is not discharged before the pump. The mixer one-way valve leaks. B pump filter blocked.


In view of the above reasons, we adopt the following measures to deal with:
清洗份额泵;B泵压盘放气阀翻开放气;替换A泵或B泵密封圈;加料;翻开份额泵前的放气阀放气;.清洗或替换 混合器单向阀;清洗B泵过滤器。
Cleaning share pump; B pump pressure disc vent valve open air; Replacing A or B pump seal; Feeding; Opening share pump before the vent valve air;. Cleaning or replacing mixer one-way valve; Cleaning B pump filter.
2. When we use a two-component glue beater, there are several reasons for this situation:
The mixer is not cleaned and cleaned. A component or B component was not available. Glue contains air. The air is not drained before the pump. A pump.B pump has internal leakage. The V seal ring in the suction valve spool is not pressed. B filter strainer blockage.
The corresponding measures are as follows:
Clean mixer; Fuel (barrel change) exhaust air; Open the ball valve before the share pump exhaust; Replace the sealing ring; Press the valve core sealing ring; Clean the B pump filter.

These two problems may also cause other problems due to operators or equipment problems.

This article is compiled by Jinan Changsheng Machinery http://www.jncsjx.com. Friends interested in the two-component glue beater can pay attention to us, and we will provide you with more knowledge.

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