
时间:2019-01-03 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

Automatic gluing machine informs you of several factors affecting the quality of insulating glass
We know that hollow glass has become more and more widely used recently, and the automatic gluing machine for hollow glass has gradually been well known. Hollow glass has been used in all walks of life. On the Benefits of Hollow Glass,
一. 玻璃的选用
Selection of Glass
1.  制造中空玻璃的原片玻璃要求很复杂,通明度和强度要到达要求。很多都可以比方无色浮法玻璃、镀膜玻璃、钢化玻璃、夹层玻璃等等。这些都是可以的,只需经过检验合格就可以那里。但是记住防止运用普通平板玻璃,由于平板玻璃通明度和强度都不能到达中空玻璃规范。
1. The requirement of glass sheet for manufacturing hollow glass is very complex, and the transparency and strength should meet the requirement. Many of them can be used as colorless float glass, coated glass, toughened glass, laminated glass and so on. These are all possible. You can go there only after passing the test. But remember to prevent the use of ordinary flat glass, because the transparency and strength of flat glass can not reach the specification of hollow glass.

Application of the Second Drying Agent
The effect of drying agent should be noted. At present, there are three types of drying agent:
1. 对易挥发物有很好的吸附效果。
1. It has a good adsorption effect on volatile substances.
2. 对两头惰性气体吸附低。
2. The adsorption of inert gases at both ends is the lowest.
3. 普通的分子筛 用户可以本人依据实践需求选择、记住运用分子筛的环境要枯燥,,填装分子应在一个半小时内运用,大水平确保中空玻璃质量。
3. Ordinary zeolite users can choose and remember that the environment of using zeolite should be dull. Fillers should be used within one and a half hours to ensure the quality of hollow glass at the maximum level.
三、 密封环节
3. Sealing link
Sealing is a very important link, hollow glass in the process of consumption will be divided into two parts. First seal and front double seal.
This link has basically achieved mechanized consumption, and the self-sealing link of the hollow glass automatic gluing machine has played a very good role. The quality of sealing indirectly affects the quality of insulating glass. So we should pay more attention to this step.
In summary, all the above-mentioned Jinan Changsheng Machinery provides, want to know more about the two-component glue machine knowledge, welcome to pay attention to our website: http://www.jncsjx.com Thank you for your support!

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