
时间:2018-08-13 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

And the peripheral bonding seal makes the glass layer form a monotonic gas space product. The open space of the hollow glass was originally monotonous air, but now other gases, such as inert gases, with lower heat conductivity than air, are commonly used. Insulating glass, also known as insulating glass, is evenly separated by two or more pieces of glass.
Wind resistance has become the primary indicator of curtain wall. The wind pressure strength of hollow glass is 15 times that of monolithic glass, which is not easy to spontaneous explosion. For cold working, the stress in the original glass sheet is unchanged, and the surrounding is sealed with elastic material. The glass is not easy to explode.
The metal film surface of the coated hollow glass is kept in a monotonous sealed air and will never fall. The film of coated glass will not fall: the metal surface of coated glass shall not be temporarily exposed to the air.

Hollow glass has the function of sound insulation and heat preservation and is widely used in home decoration. However, the quality of hollow glass in the market is uneven.
1. see if there is aluminum partition.
There are also many air holes on the aluminum separator, which are filled with monotonic agent to absorb moisture in the gas, to avoid the phenomenon of "foggy" after heating the glass doors and windows, and the fake "hollow" glass does not have these equipment.
2. look at the appearance
High-quality profiles appear to be lubricated exquisite, smooth and clean, uniform color, no cracks, bubbles; welded joints do not break open welding phenomenon; hardness and thickness meet, with hammers knocking profiles with no splitting. And the residual profile color is not uniform, there are bubble impurities, with hammer knock will split, and even with hand pinch will be deformed. Consumers can check the glass from the side, the glass is flat, no color difference, through the glass to see things, no deformation, is qualified products.



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