
时间:2018-08-12 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

Temperature affects the viscosity and speed of dispensing machine glue, in the operation of silicone dispensing machine is a very important parameter, dispensing glue is generally stored in the refrigerator when not in use, about half an hour before use out. The temperature of glue should be controlled at about 24 degrees Celsius when it is used. Otherwise, the temperature of the environment has a great influence on the glue. According to the test, if the temperature difference is 5 degrees Celsius, half of the amount of dispensing will be changed. So the temperature control of the environment is very important.
Viscosity of glue on the audio-visual quality of the impact is very large, viscosity is too large, may lead to wire drawing phenomenon; how small, may lead to body dyeing pad, so choose the appropriate concentration of silicone dispensing machine operation is very important. In the process of using silicone dispensing machine will encounter a variety of problems, but as long as you are prepared in advance, understand the functions and parameters of silicone dispensing machine, will be able to deal with.

1. talk about the price
When discussing prices, some buyers of two-component dispensers only know that the seller is cheaper, although it has some effect, but it is basically within the price control of the sales staff. The buyer of two-component dispensers has to find a way to get a special price, to a price unwilling to sell, you have succeeded, of course. It is skillful and requires good negotiation skills, such as whether it is packaged or not.
2. look at the equipment
This is the most difficult part in the acquisition of the two-component glue beater, perhaps you do not understand, it does not matter, do not understand, you can listen to, you ask a question of equipment status, the sales staff will give you a lot of, you note down some of the key on the line, and then go to other manufacturers to investigate, draw the gourd, you will understand.



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