
时间:2018-08-27 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械

Fully automatic two component glass gluing machine
1 合适大规模玻璃深加工企业运用,下降出产劳动强度,节约人力,提高出产功率.
1. Suitable for large-scale glass deep processing enterprises to use, reduce the labor intensity of production, save manpower, improve output power.
2 全智能触摸式人机界面,操作简洁方便.
2 Smart touch human-machine interface, simple and convenient operation.
3 伺服控制体系选用知名,功能安稳.
3 the servo control system selects internationally famous brands, and its functions are stable.
4 同步带式传动使玻璃运送平稳,定位准确.
4 synchronous belt transmission makes the glass transport smoothly and accurately.
5 设备要害部件选用特别资料精制而成,设备操作安稳牢靠,运用寿命长.
5 the key parts of the equipment are refined by special data, and the operation of the equipment is stable and reliable, and the service life is long.
6 涂胶后玻璃周边丰满无气线,角部充分,外表平坦无需修角.
6 after coating, there is no gas line around the glass, the corners are full, the appearance is flat, and there is no need to fix corners.
7 第三段可预存玻璃,完成了流水作业和在线封胶。
7 third segments of pre stored glass, complete the flow shop and online sealing.
8 可装备两套供胶体系,两种密封胶切换方便,一键式操作。
8, two sets of glue supply system can be equipped, two kinds of sealants are switched conveniently and one button operation.
9 支持三层玻璃涂胶。
9 support three layers of glass glue.

(article by: Jinan Changsheng Machinery, the two-component glue beater interested in friends can pay attention to our official website: http://linshi.jncsjx.com, we will provide you with new hot news)

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