
时间:2024-05-07 来源:http://www.jncsjx.com/ 发布人:昌盛机械


  The production process of insulating glass


  The production process of insulating glass is roughly as follows:


  1. Glass cutting. Cutting the original glass into appropriately sized blocks according to design requirements is usually done through automated equipment to improve efficiency and reduce manual errors.


  2. Glass cleaning. The cut glass blocks undergo a cleaning process to remove impurities such as dirt and grease from the surface, ensuring the smooth progress of the subsequent process. Efficient cleaning machines are usually used to ensure the completion of large-scale glass cleaning in a short period of time.


  3. Quality inspection. The cleaned glass blocks need to undergo strict quality testing to ensure they meet standards and requirements. The testing process is usually carried out through optical or mechanical equipment, which can detect the flatness, thickness, surface defects, etc. of the glass.


  4. Assembly. Qualified glass blocks are fed into a hollow glass machine for assembly. The hollow glass machine will automatically place two or more pieces of glass at the required spacing and apply sealant strips around the edges of the glass.



  5. Sealing. The assembled glass undergoes a sealing process to ensure that the gas or air in the hollow layer does not leak. Efficient sealing techniques such as hot melt adhesive or structural adhesive are generally used for sealing.


  Verify again. Finally, the quality and performance of the hollow glass are ensured to meet the requirements through re inspection, for example, glass appearance inspection, sealing test, thermal performance test, etc. can be carried out.


  In addition, when producing insulating glass, attention should also be paid to environmental control, including temperature and relative humidity adjustment, as well as the selection and use of desiccants, which will affect the quality of the final product.

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